Potato Eater
Potato Eater – A series of projects with a fryshack
-The first project was situated in a field with farmers harvesting potatos.
-The second project was at the deserted end of an island in the north of Holland.
-The third project is ongoing. It is an attempt to take the fryshack to Antarctica, the most deserted landscape on earth. No customers to be found there. An ultimate proposition to tell and smile about human being and its ultimate joke. Project website Antarctic Potato Eater

Potato Eater 1 – Starting at the source

On the agricultural fields, surrounded by farmers and their machines, Boerstra bakes his first fries in hot oil on a gas stove. Local farmers come by for lunch to eat their own harvest.

Potato Eater 2 – Another landscape
In one of the last unspoiled nature reserves in Northern Europe, in his small wooden fry shack, Boerstra is waiting for customers. Near the coast a ship anchores. A little boat comes to shore, the rower orders eight portions of fries for his crew.
People had to walk one and a half hour te be in the undisturbed nature, watching birds and seaguls and smell fresh baked fries.

Potato Eater 3 – Antarctic Potato Eater
Taking a fry shack to the end of the world.

Kicking off ‘Antarctic Potato Eater’ in 2016 at the Potato festival in Hornhuizen starts a tumultuous series of adventures, publicity and reactions. The world is shaken up and sometimes panicking by the idea of having a fry shack at the South Pole.

Hornhuizen Potato festival near the Waddensea

Antarctic Potato Eater Magazine No. 1 and 2
Different editions merged in one magazine.
Published 2016/2017
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