Boerstra Engineering Projects

Boerstra Engineering was founded in 2015
Below you’ll find several projects

Boerstra Engineering – SOIL23

The installation SOIL23 is a model to communicate current problems and solutions connected to a world wide community. A computer generated voice inside speaks the following text:

Electrically operated “all purpose” vacuums aren’t designed for use in industrial environments.
My ideas melt away!
Are you happy now?
Turn the left valve, use some force.
It should run by now. Read more →

Boerstra Engineering – SOIL22

Boerstra Engineering is betrokken bij het welzijn van onze bodem. De bodem als een mengsel van organisch materiaal, mineralen, gassen, vloeistoffen en organismen die samen het leven in stand houden.
Door hoop en vertrouwen weer hoog op de agenda te plaatsen, zijn er out of the box gecreëerde methodes ontwikkeld om wie en wat we zijn te evalueren en onderhevig te maken aan nieuwe exploraties: alles met het oog op een beter bestaan en met de blik gericht op een toekomst die alle verwachtingen zal overstijgen. SOIL22 is een eerste verkenning.

Boerstra Engineering is involved in the well-being of our soil. The soil as a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids and organisms that together sustain life.
By putting hope and trust high on the agenda again, out-of-the-box methods have been developed to evaluate who and what we are and make them subject to new explorations: all with a view to a better existence and with a focus on to a future that will exceed all expectations. SOIL22 is a first reconnaissance.

SOIL22 at Oerol 2023 Terschelling

SOIL22 at Open Stal 2022, Oldeberkoop

Boerstra Engineering – Mechanism DordtYart

Boerstra Engineering was commissioned by the art foundation DordtYart to
create an installation in a former ship factory hall in Dordrecht.

A research for the experience of memory, time and coincidence.

The slowly rotating table forces the needle to choose a position between the magnetic pieces.

Boerstra Engineering – Peat Pioneer

Using a wooden excavator on the land and in the water, historical artefacts and layers of earth tell the story of a turbulent history of the Peat Colonies.

Boerstra Engineering researches the landscape for the Foundation 250/400, celebrating the 250th and 400th anniversary of the Stadskanaal and the Semslinie (the provincial border).

Derrick brings commotion

Insert: “Who knows, we might come across a bog body or a mammoth skeleton."

Boerstra Engineering – Researching the IJssel

Commissioned by the IJsselbiënnale a Boerstra Engineering visual research vessel reveals the unique character of the river.


Boerstra Engineering – Restoring the Landscape

Apologizing to nature.
An act to return stolen land to the sea on the island of Texel.