Camera Batavia
Camera Batavia – An invitation to witness ourselves in the totality of space
Een nieuwe Camera Batavia in het Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen. In 2024 onderdeel van de tentoonstelling Waterwijs (Curator Tracy Metz)
De toren zal de komende 4 jaar te bekijken zijn.
A new Camera Batavia in the Zuiderzee Museum Enkhuizen. In 2024 part of the Waterwijs exhibition (Curator Tracy Metz)
The tower will be on display for the next 4 years.
Camera Batavia in the North of Holland
After working for 5 years working together with Sense of Place on the realization of a Camera Batavia on the dike near Ternaard, the process was stopped. The logistics costs became so high that they could no longer be justified or afforded.
Thanks to: Sense of Place, Dorpsbelangen Ternaard, Klaas Laansma De Wikel, Provincie Friesland, Wetterskip Fryslan, Oerol Terschelling, Leeuwarden 2018, Gemeente NoordOost Friesland, Waddenfonds
After working for 5 years working together with Sense of Place on the realization of a Camera Batavia on the dike near Ternaard, the process was stopped. The logistics costs became so high that they could no longer be justified or afforded.
Thanks to: Sense of Place, Dorpsbelangen Ternaard, Klaas Laansma De Wikel, Provincie Friesland, Wetterskip Fryslan, Oerol Terschelling, Leeuwarden 2018, Gemeente NoordOost Friesland, Waddenfonds
Promotional video for a permanent tower near the Wadden Sea.
First research tower Camera Batavia
Oerol/Sense of Place, Terschelling 2015
Oerol/Sense of Place, Terschelling 2019
Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium 2022, permanent location
In 2022, the first research tower Camera Batavia got a permanent location at the Verbeke Foundation in Belgium.
Second research tower Camera Batavia – Dark Space
Equipped with the camera obscura technique.
Oerol/Sense of Place, Terschelling 2016