Burial Mound – Going inside.
In the early high school years somewhere around 1981, Boerstra and his friends spent a lot of time wandering in the royal woods of Oranjewoud. They are fascinated by various romantic ideas from the ‘fin de siècle’ of the 19th century. Calling themselves primitivists they fatasize about living close to nature.
In the middle of the woods is an 18th century grave-mound. One day they discover a hole in the side of this family grave.
With some preparations and after overcoming their fear, they decide to go inside with torches and air rifles.
To capture the adventure Boerstra brings along a photo camera with a colour slide film and a flashlight.
The evidence of the exploration is a series of 27 colour slides. Due to the flashlight the pictures seem to be shot in daylight, but besides the weak light of the torches, it was pitch dark and they were very scared. Feeling anxious and guilty, Boerstra keeps the slides hidden for over 20 years.

Burial Mound – Caught.
Almost 40 years later, Boerstra gets a phonecall from the Dutch state forest management SBB that’s in charge of the environmental situation of the burial mound. Due to erosion and progressing tourist activities, a new plan has to be made to conserve this cultural heritage. Known from the desacration of the grave, being familiar with the situation and as an artist working in the spatial domain, they think Boerstra to be the best man to come up with a solution.
He designes half a bridge with a gate, taking in account a paper article his mother saved in the 1980s with a photograph of the former 18th century entrance point. The article is written in the Frisian language and talks about the shame and loss of civilization of contemporary youth.

The model for the spatial intervention at the burial mound.
Boerstra designed half a bridge with a gate as the entrance to an intimate encounter with the family grave. Along the moat a hedge of holly is planted.

Newspaper article written in Frisian language, kept by Boerstra’s mother, about the burial mound and the young generation lacking moral and dignity.
Heerenveensche Courant 1981
The picture shows the bridge with the wall on which Boerstra based his design.
Translation English
Where the Tsjonger runs, lies Aldskoat (Oudeschoot transl.) (43)
Just to the north of the well-known “Woutersbergje" is the van Bienema Grave Cellar. Read more →
Translation Dutch
Waar de Tsjonger loopt, ligt Aldskoat (Oudeschoot vert.) (43)
Even ten noorden van het bekende ‘Woutersbergje’, ligt de van Bienemagrafkelder. Read more →